Posts Tagged 'Danton’s head'

Ben Finiti on Retirement

I see my astute friend Ben Finiti has a new post discussing retirement and its uses.  Like most of his stuff, and like Danton’s head*, it is worth a look.

Ben must know what he’s talking about, since he has been retired in one sense or another for much of his life.  (He is from Florida, you know.)


*If you are not familiar with the expression “Danton’s head”, Google it.**


**Don’t bother; I just tried it, and Google failed me.

Anyway, Georges Danton was a leader of the bloodthirsty French Revolution.  After inaugurating the Reign of Terror (they even called it that themselves, proudly), the Revolution became steadily more radical, until it eventually turned on its own leaders, including Maximillian Robespierre, and Danton himself.  On the guillotine, Danton boldly told the executioner to show his (Danton’s) head to the crowd once it was off. “It is worth a look.”

So there’s that.


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